Créations musicales - Une approche philosophique - E-book PDF

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From Berlioz to Grisey, from Nietzsche to Jankélévith, this book addresses from a philosophical viewpoint different facets of musical creation and tries to demonstrate that music has a potential for transformation that is invaluable in many ways: transformation of reality as it exits, transformation of the sound world, transformation of the act of listening.

The book’s chapters, organized around writing, performing, listening to, and appreciating music, includes conversations with active doers from the contemporary scene, such as, composers Philippe Leroux, Jean-Luc Hervé, Mauro Lanza, singer Donatienne Michel-Dansac, cellist Pierre Morlet, and percussionist Jean Geoffroy. These interviews continue the reflection that precedes them, making it more concrete.

With each turn of page, comes across the idea that a musical work, evolving in time, allows one to overcome today’s hegemony of the instantaneity and virtual ubiquity. To paraphrase Luigi Nono, to wake up the ear is in short to wake up the man.

Ouvrage publié avec le soutien de la Fondation Francis et Mica Salabert et de la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Material : Book - E-book PDF
Language : French
Date of publication : 2021
Code EAN : 9782752142221
Output format : E-book PDF
File size : 5,90 Mo
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